
Physical address:
​6296 Donnelly Plaza
Ratkeville, ​Bahamas.

Get to Know Romain: Your Friendly Parisian Guide

True lover of Paris, Romain is a quintessential Parisian with a deep passion for theatre, performing, and singing. For the past nine years, he has been a driver guide in Paris, navigating the city’s streets with the expertise that only a local can offer. Romain knows Paris like the back of his hand, from its grand monuments to its hidden gems that even many Parisians are unaware of.

Romain takes immense pleasure in sharing the rich history of this two-thousand-year-old city with tourists, making each tour a unique and memorable experience. Whether it’s the iconic landmarks or the incredible, unsuspected places, discovering Paris with Romain in a classic Citroën 2CV is more than just a visit—it’s a true Parisian adventure.

But Romain’s passion doesn’t stop there. He has created a collective of passionate riders and tour experts who share his love for Paris. This dedicated team is committed to showcasing the beauty and sincerity of Paris, ensuring that every visitor has an extraordinary and unforgettable experience.

Join Romain and his team to explore Paris in all its historical and cultural might. Your friendly guide, attentive to your needs, always gives the best of himself to make your time in Paris truly special.